Englischsprachige Literatur

Sherwood Ben

The Man who ate the 747

Bantam, New York 2002


Honestly, this is not a gem, as the cover promises, but an indigestible piece of heavy metal, and the reader takes great pity in poor Wally, who the author makes swallow a whole 747, just to show his everlasting, unfulfilled love for Willa, the town beauty of Superior, a small place in Nebraska.

The main character of the book is J.J. (John Smith) Keeper of the Records for the “Guiness Book of Records”, and this is, what Sherwood is really interested in. So we hear about the weirdest records in the book, because J.J. can quote them all.

Apart from that J.J. is a lonely man, in danger of losing his job with “The Book”, when he hears about Wally´s endeavours. So he comes to Superior, and with him the media pack. If Sherwood wanted to put blame on his own lot, he might first have read “This is your Life” by the British author John O`Farrell, but then this book here would not have been written at all and saved the reader 3 boring hours.

J.J. conveniently falls in love with Willa and Sherwood can talk a lot of hot air about that age-old topic also.